I had submitted an article called "The Wisdom of Removing Wisdom" (which I had originally written for my employer back in 1992) rejected as too similar to another published source and couldn't be accepted as is. I know that there are lots of articles about wisdom teeth but as a dental hygienist, I wrote this one off the top of my head originally and reworked it for Constantcontent, but I didn't realize that might be other articles online with that title. So, I changed the titled to "Questioning Third Molars" and reworked the article and even took out a section that I thought the plagiarism checker might mistake for plagiarism. Well, it got rejected, and my account is now suspended.
And the day before this happened, my article called "Breast Self-Examination: An Important Tool (public request) got rejected and purged, but the editor noted that for some odd reason it didn't process through the plagiarism checker correctly and that I should resubmit the article which I did do.
I feel that I have been unfairly suspended for something a computer app thinks that I did...when I never plagiarized anything in any of my articles.
What recourse do I have with this issue ? I am so disappointed.
This is why I tell new writers to do original work and don't try to reuse what is out there.
Twice kicked for plagiarism will kill you. If you had something that was done in 1992 and published anywhere online, it's probably been spun, reworked to high heaven.
If you just write original stuff, you don't have to worry about plagiarism checkers. I see writers mentioning plagiarism checkers, and I don't understand why. I've never ever since 2008 and written thousands of articles run my stuff through a plagiarism checker, because I don't rewrite or copy from anyone.
Twice caught by the plagiarism checker is a huge deal. Rewriting a title doesn't make the work original.
OP, you can appeal, but twice caught is probably gonna kill you. If your name isn't on the original work, then there's no way for them to verify it's yours.
We don't know that the second mentioned article ended up showing up as plagiarised, therefore it's only one instance as far as we know, which was an honest mistake, so why not ask for a second chance? I don't know what the CC policy is, but there's nothing to lose by trying.....
Hi thanks for the feedback...but this article was never published online, especially in 1992. I'm dating myself but this kind of online stuff didn't exist then. And I did much more that just change the title...I reworked the whole article before resubmitting. Is there some word I am using that triggers the plagiarism checker...like maybe "wisdom tooth"? It is hard to get away from using words and phrases that are very common in the dental or medical field...or any niche area. I think that may have been what happened with my "Breast Self-Examination" article also.
I have sent an email asking for a second chance...especially because I really didn't have 3 legitimate rejections.
If I would get another chance to write for Consent Content, I'll be very pleased but I will be writing on "egg shells" so to speak.
A plagiarism checker just looks for patterns and long strings of info that are similar. One issue could be if you cited something and didn't specify it was a citation. Or, if you quoted someone or a book or something of that nature. The checker would pick up on that. And no, two words alone wouldn't flag a checker. There are patterns and long strings of text that trigger them. My guess is that your goal was to rewrite something to get around the filter, and that's not the way to do it.
The worst thing a writer can do is write things to "get around the filter." Just write and you'll never have to worry about it.
You can always ask and appeal. If you did indeed use citations and didn't reference, then I could see them being lenient, but if you straight up tried to rewrite something and it triggered the flag, you can try but I'm guessing it's not gonna work.
Sorry, but as someone who has gotten her stuff stolen, it's unnerving when people don't understand the concept of plagiarism.
Lysis...I understand the concept of plagiarism and I'm sure if you had something stolen, this is a sensitive topic for you. But I did not plagiarize or steal someone else's article or information. I have been in the dental field for 30 years...I worked clinically as a dental hygienist, I've taught college, I've done dental trainings for dental insurance. Sorry if I am sounding defensive, but...I wrote this article off the top of my head as I do for most dental articles I write. I didn't do any research for this article or take someone else ideas or verbiage...the information is in my head from years of experience and explaining this kind of information over and over. I didn't try to beat a filter...the article was mine the first time and the second time I wrote it.
I have come to the conclusion though...that if a computer app is going to accuse me of something I didn't do, I'll just have to let it go. I can't reason with a computer program.
For a plagiarism checker to flag the content, it would have to have long strings that were similar. Or like a spinner that replaces every 5th word or something and 4 words in between every fifth word are the same... something like that. A pattern of some sort.