Why don't the editors list all rejections at once?
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
Why don't the editors list all rejections at once?
I have been writing here for a few years with hardly a rejection. Lately I have been getting quite a few. I realize changes are made on here now and then. I can learn by the editors comments, so no problem with it. My only beef is that I have had articles that get rejected a number of times. Each time it comes back there is a different part/error that needs changing. Why can't the editors just list everything that needs editing all at once instead of having to go back and forth, each time a totally different change needs to be made somewhere. I'm not a mind reader. When they tell me something has a capitalization error, how am I supposed to know another part of the article doesn't make sense to them (and that is what will be the rejection the second time around). Please editors--give it to me straight up front the first time. I would think it would take more time for you all too to have this constant back and forth.
Re: Why don't the editors list all rejections at once?
I admit that it's frustrating, but not much you can do except try to see where they are coming from or take a break. I've gotten a few full rewrites and it's frustrating. But, their site their rules. If I get too frustrated, I try to walk away for a little while.
Just to give some perspective -- they probably see a lot of bad content that's not worth the effort. I would expect if you're unfortunate enough to be at the tail end of a bad day for an editor, you're probably gonna have a bad time.
Just to give some perspective -- they probably see a lot of bad content that's not worth the effort. I would expect if you're unfortunate enough to be at the tail end of a bad day for an editor, you're probably gonna have a bad time.

Re: Why don't the editors list all rejections at once?
I think the situation is that the editor finds an important error and sends it back to you for correction immediately. Then once they are past that error, they find another. And later another.
The only solution I see for this is very aggressive proof reading by the writer/submitter.
The only solution I see for this is very aggressive proof reading by the writer/submitter.