1. "Please submit articles closer to deadline."
2. "It is not my job to edit your work."
3. Vague editing requests ie. "There are too many errors" "Please proof your work more carefully"
4. "The article is too long." (the request is for 500-word articles with the exception of one submission on special request of 5,000 words)
5. "The article is missing hyphenation." (mind telling me where?)
6. "Please remove erroneous hyphenation." (which one is erroneous?)
7. "DO NOT MAKE COMMENTS IN THE SUMMARY BOX! The summary box is not a messaging system." (I posted in the summary box that "The article was for the customer XXXX and please let editor XXX know it has been submitted, thanks." because that is what editor XXX asked me to do in an email.)
You can easily replace the word "hyphenation" above with any mistake I could make for punctuation, grammar, commas, apostrophes, or the like. The editor doesn't point them out.(well the first time I submitted it back in the beginning of August the editor made it to paragraph 5 and stopped!) I have edited the first article well over 30 times now, and run it through editing programs, had others proof it, etc. I am at a loss. I have 49 more articles to write for this particular request and I can't get them submitted. I feel as if I am being purposefully held back because I pissed off an editor and now I am on their hit list. This is my first private request and I am about to fail because of odd and erroneous reasons. The client requested the work back in July, but because I was in the middle of moving, I had him hold off the request until August. Now he is beyond Pissed that he hasn't even gotten ONE article from me for the request. (He has purchased 4 articles from me over the past year and wants "hundreds and hundreds" from me this fall.)
On other submissions:
I have tried submitting other articles while waiting for responses and this one article in particular, it was rejected at first because it needed to be split into two articles. So I did. Then they were rejected because they should be joined into one article (the article is two lists: a list of symptoms and then a list of foods that causes those symptoms). The second reject reason was because the articles separately needed to list what the other article listed. So, I joined them and resubmitted. And now they need to be separated again because "they really should be two articles." what gives? On all three submissions these articles were outright deleted from the system, no chance to edit or give an explanation. They don't send them back with editing requests, they just up and delete them from the system and I get an email telling me why.
I've been with CC over two years and I havnt seen the editors this unhelpful before. Did I miss some huge update to the system? Are the editors just that overwhelmed that they can't take the time to help us help their clients? Did we get new editors? If I pissed any editor here off in any way, I am so so sorry. Can I buy you a cup of coffee to make it up to you? Do you not get paid to be an editor here? Or does the pay really suck that much?
I now have 49 more articles to finish writing and editing and about 15 days to do it in. I am completely overwhelmed and just wish things could go more smoothly.
(I have another client outside of CC, a group blog, who has requested 55 articles from me by October 20th. I REALLY REALLY need to get this CC order done so I can make that deadline too!)