Rejection of "Approach to rationalize and modernize IT.

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

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Rejection of "Approach to rationalize and modernize IT.

Post by atechnocrat »

Full article name ""Approach to rationalize and
modernize IT Infrastructure For Investment Banking Trade Applications"


My article got rejected and I learnt the reasons briefly on email. Would like to discuss further.
Following is what I would like to know

1) Was my article information rich?
2) Was my focus coming out clearly in the content?
3) Formatting is the only reason it got rejected?
4) If I capitialize first letters of all words in the title and remove bullets would it be acceptable?
5) Please let me know more where I can correct because I would like to connect with you for a long time. I like the concept of this site.

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Post by Ed »

Correcting the articles is the responsibility of the author. Please review our guidelines and use the rejection email for your revision. I do not read an article all the way through when it does not follow our guidelines, so I cannot address your specific questions.

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Uploaded Again

Post by atechnocrat »

Posted article again after making recommended changes. Please review again.
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Rejection of "Approach to Modernize and Rationalize IT

Post by atechnocrat »


This article got rejected again due to grammatical errors and lack of clarity.
I went through the article again but am unable to pin point places where this is happening. If you could point me to one or two places where grammer and clarity are a problem, I would highly appreciate it.

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Post by Ed »

Unfortunately, the grammar and clarity problems are pervasive throughout the piece. Please have a trusted friend read through your article or use some of the recommended proofreading tricks found in the forum.

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Post by atechnocrat »


I went through the forums and employed some of the techniques there. Visited quite a few sites that report common grammatical mistakes and then based on the information, proofread at least 5 times and changed at quite a few places. Have reworded a few sentences and added a few tables to bring better clarity but due to the strict grammatical correctness requirement, I still have my doubts and awaiting next rejection :-).

I have a suggestion, the value I carry as a 15 years experienced IT technical project manager within various business domains and with last 3 years in banking domain can give a different kind of high to my articles. I would like to offer to my readers the same rich experience but am not able to do so due to my slight lack in grammer etc.

Would it not be better that people like me and CC partner and combine their respective values. So, if I give my experience in the article, CC can gives its online proof reading and editing services (which CC can charge in addition to 35%) and the resulting article would just be great one to be offered to the net.

Elizabeth Ann West
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Post by Elizabeth Ann West »


Poor Ed receives a slew of articles each day. Editing services are not a common thing to find on a professional article database. Think of it like this: Constant-Content is just like every print publication out there, and when you submit your article, you are submitting for them to turn around and publish it in a high-profile magazine. Would you want to read articles in a magazine, or anywhere else for that matter, and see glaring grammatical mistakes?

The problem with grammatical mistakes are not only that it decreases readability of a piece, they also undermine the author's credibility. If I read an article with poor punctuation, and shoddy construction, I may ask myself "Can I trust this writer to provide correct research, if she is careless in how she writes?"

I don't think Constant-Content struggles for sales either, further making it unlikely they will offer editing services soon. My suggestion would be to join a writer's group, and find someone willing to give you honest feedback. Sites like and are also great for new writers because you can see how your articles are received by readers with the rating systems and the advertising revenue your article generate.

Good luck in your pursuits of writing, and I hope you will continue to improve. Your expertise in IT and banking are certainly hot subjects that readers are thirsty for knowledge in. Just make sure you are providing readers with flawless copy so they get your message, not a mess! :)

Always Smiling,
Elizabeth Ann West
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Post by atechnocrat »


I appreciate your feedback. Would try to join with the groups recommended.
Your point regarding people undermining capabilities of an author based on strength in language is true to an extent and am striving to improve in this area. But just to think of a hypothetical situation where a senior Japanese / Chinese / Indian researcher wants to publish a technically high class content with you but is not able to do it due to language mistakes will result in little discontent and at the same time will keep internet away from a good piece of work. In this situation, in my opinion, CC should try to help author by proof reading and editing for the following reasons

1) It will strengthen relationship between CC and authors.
2) There are chances of article leak if author goes to other online editing services.
3) Due to high class nicely edited content, author and CC both will gain credibility. Increase of sales is not the criteria here (I agree with you here) but increase of joint capability to provide rich content to the net is.
4) Correct grammer is only partially related to correct and logical thought process. Logically correct and helpful information is more in demand than grammatically crystal clear pieces I feel and here CC should help if they feel that the content has potential.

I will definitely keep trying to improve upon my grammer as has been suggested.

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Post by atechnocrat »

Can someone show me only a few troublesome lines. It would be a lot of help.
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Post by Ed »

Once an article has been rejected it is purged from our system. As before, it is the author's responsibility to find and fix the errors; we expect our authors to have a basic understanding of writing and language rules. Your article is replete with grammar errors.

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Post by atechnocrat »

okay. will try posting small articles from now on to build proof reading capability gradually. as per other suggestion in the chain. i am posting this one to helium so would not post this work again. thanks again for the feedback
