Today our pastor at church brought out some things we should remember as Americans tomorrow to celebrate Memorial Day. Thought I'd share these with you all....
1) Jesus died over 2,000 years ago to provide freedom from sin and freedom to live eternity with Him in heaven when we die. The price was paid so we could live free in our souls from the burdens this world has. Imagine every sin of every person from beginning to end of the world all put on one person - for us. How can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?
2) People who died at the World Trade Center terrorist attack on 9/11.
3) People who died in the planes that hit the WTC.
4) Those who fought the terrorists on the last plane so it would not crash into a building. They were willing to die for their country and others.
5) All our soldiers who are fighting right now for our freedom.
6) All our soldiers who have died in the war on terror.
7) Soldiers who have died in wars past.
8. Soldiers who died at the start of our great nation - for the freedoms we have.
9) People who suffered and died to give us the King James Bible. Many were martyred who would not compromise when government and religious sceptics tried to get them to recant the Bible or the name of Christ.
10) People who have died for their religious beliefs in America, and those willing to sacrifice now for us to keep our religious freedoms.
11) Anyone who is taking the time right now to make a difference in someone else's life.
If you have a special loved one whom you'd like us to remember on Memorial Day, please post their name and a little bit of info about them here. I'd love to hear about some good people in this world - you usually can't get that on the news cause it's all negative!
Happy Memorial Day!!!
Things to remember on Memorial Day
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
Smiley face
The smiley face was supposed to be number
I must have hit the wrong keys.
