size of images preferred

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Posts: 37
Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:47 pm
Location: Tampa, Florida

size of images preferred

Post by Cheryl »

I just posted a Hawaiian travel article. I have lots of images available, but I had trouble uploading one. I think it was too big.
What size is allowed? Do most of the customers use the content online? Is a 72 dpi preferred? 4 x 6 inch???
Also, can I add an image or image(s) after submittal?
Cheryl Rogers
Posts: 106
Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 2:44 am

Post by mattsterrr »

It's probably the file type and file size that are of more concern than the actual physical picture size. Not that I could tell you what CC prefer of course but digital photograps tend to be huge in terms of KB unless you convert them.