Turns out it just needed to get close to the end of the month. I had two sales today, and I can't complain as one was for a high dollar article.

It's hard when you've been away for so long to get back into the swing of things.
I will say, I've read more about the Amazon Kindle Store. And I have to kinda laugh when these people are selling NOVELS for $1.99 just to get their name out there, and currently only keeping 35%!!! (The 70% doesn't start until June) I began thinking about how some articles here sell for Use more than that! Granted, you'd be hard pressed to sell one article thousands of times like hopefully your book would (and some claim they have sold well) but really, article writing is sounding more profitable by far at the moment. Though I may still do it just to conquer that mountain, so to speak.
I will say that in reading their forums, it looks like they accept just about anything, in that you don't have to write a novel to sell. I know a few writers here have struggled with finding a market for longer pieces, and it looks like there is a niche over there for longer articles (2,500 words plus areas) and for collections of pieces. I'm not trying to take away business from Constant-Content at all, but we all know this venue doesn't accept everything in the written world.