Last night my husband was called in for an emergency at 1 AM, Catelynn woke up at 2:30 AM and again at 4:30 AM, and when she woke at 6:30 AM I said forget it, we're getting up for the day. I hopped in the shower and she was playing on the bathroom floor (we have a glass enclosed shower so I can see her and still have a private shower). Once shower was over and I dressed, it's Wednesday, the day I clean up our bathroom. By now, she's giving me the bored look, so I make her a bottle (I keep a spare can of formula upstairs) and turn on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for the 7:30 AM showing. She's ecstatic (she loves Mickey Mouse) and crawls over to the door jamb between the bedroom and bathroom. I'm cleaning, wiping the counters, grabbing a glass cleaner wipe (I keep a full set of cleaning supplies in each bathroom) and just as I'm detailing our sonic care toothbrush my hubby and I share (different brushing heads) it dawns on me "Catelynn!"
I look and she's not sitting in the door jamb anymore. I pray I remembered to shut our bedroom door and nope. I do a quick scan of the room and she's not there. I had time to think of my poor child falling down the stairs when thank goodness she is just sitting in the hallway, with one of her toys like "What Mommy?" I scooped her up and was so thankful my parenting gaffe wasn't a major crisis. She giggled at the kisses. We don't have a gate at the top of the stairs because we just shut the bedroom doors (and I know I forgot, but if I had a gate at the top, I'd need one with a door that opens like we have downstairs, and I forget and leave that one open sometimes too, so it wouldn't really matter). She can't reach our door handles and once she can, I'm sure she will be proficient going up and down (currently she climbs up the stairs like a champ with Mommy or Daddy behind her).
So yes cleaning is important, but some things in life deserve more attention.