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Good News...... And Not So Good News

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:35 am
by Elizabeth Ann West
Hi all,

I know I've been sparse for awhile now, but I have a very good reason. After a little more than a year of hoping, praying, and well other activities, I am finally going to have a baby! I found out a few weeks ago, and my husband and I are thrilled!

Up to finding out, I was working on a couple of big projects that were eating up my writing time. Since the doctors have said I have to reduce stress, I have gracefully resigned from these posts, and will probably keep a low profile for a bit. Not that I really could do much writing if I wanted to, little bump here makes me exhausted pretty much all the time.

So that's the good news, and the only not so good news is just that I will be taking a little break. I doubt I will stay away for long, probably just until my energy returns. :) So good luck everyone, and have a wonderful holiday season. :)

Always Smiling,
Elizabeth Ann West

Re: Good News...... And Not So Good News

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:12 am
by jak
Congratulations EAW. That's wonderful news. You take care now, and let us know when there's more good news.

Re: Good News...... And Not So Good News

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:28 am
by DSWaltenburg
Yay for babies! Congratulations, Elizabeth. Enjoy your special time, let your beloved pamper you, and bask in the happiness of motherhood!

Re: Good News...... And Not So Good News

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:22 pm
by HayleyWriter
Congratulations! Does this mean we will see a spate of articles about dealing with pregnancy and then articles on things like "Aaagh - My Baby Arrived Without an Instruction Manual!"? Actually, that's probably not such a bad title for any mothers out there! Hope you have a safe pregnancy!

Kind regards,