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Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:09 pm
by JoHunley
I've seen this concept elsewhere and always enjoyed it for the cameraderie and buttock-prodding when I was feeling lazy. Thought we might give it a go here on CC. :mrgreen:

I managed 1734 words yesterday, which is phenomenal for me lately. I'm not doing a word-count goal, because I've yet to reach one. :lol: Instead I'm aiming for submitting an article twice a day until my portfolio reaches critical mass. Submitted one last night and one this morning so, knock on wood! Looking good so far but it's early hours yet.

In other news I am deathly ill with whatever chest crud is going around lately. I can actually feel my lungs - and they hurt. Ick. Yay for NyQuil.

How's the writing going for everyone else today?

Re: Dailies

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:59 pm
by Evelyn
Good for you to get those articles done and submitted. Keep going! You can do it! (I'm sharing my personal pep talk with you.)

I wrote three articles for an outside client who doesn't pay particularly well, but the work for her kept my house out of complete foreclosure last year. I'm looking forward to the day when I can write on that GROWING topics list I have tucked away in my CC folder... Every time I write something for someone else, half a dozen titles just itch my brain.

I also pruned those $%^& blackberry canes that have been plaguing me, so my hands are all scratched up. I want the berries, I just don't want to bleed.

Here's to more for all of us...

Re: Dailies

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:44 pm
by Marika
Hey, I'll join you! God knows, I could use a little kick in the butt every day to get me started!

I submitted two articles yesterday, and managed one for today so far. I'm trying to figure out what else to write for today.

Here's hoping we all get some sales!!!