My little baby girl reached a big milestone last night, the walking thing clicked! She's been able to stand and stand for ages, but the whole move the feet thing was just not happening. She was in nursery yesterday at church, and the woman who watches the kids asked me if she was walking yet. I replied, no, because she hasn't taken more than one or two steps, and only if Daddy or I were working with her, even with her push toy walker she'd quit after a step or two, just not interested. Well, the woman told me she chased all the big kids (ages 2-4) around the nursery with their push toy walker, giggling and delighted to do so. Got her home, and that night, she pulled herself up on the coffee table and turned around to walk away from it! So naturally Daddy and I got on the floor with her to share in her triumph and she got up to 5 to 8 steps between us.
She doesn't have the momentum of walking down yet, she will step with her left foot, stablize, then bring the right foot up, stabilize, then step with her right, stabilize, etc. It's more 1-2-2-1-1 than 1-2-1-2-1-2. But she's learning! When her legs were visibly tired and giving in, we gave her her push toy (she was indignant she was going to keep on walking, but we didn't want her to hurt herself as she was crashing pretty hard) so she ended up doing another 5 or so laps around the living room with her push toy. She'd giggle, giggle, giggle, hit something and then howl until one of us turned it around so she could go again.
In other news, my husband and I are completely screwed. LOL.