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An article accepted...can't help feeling important

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:40 am
by kunalsalvi
Hello everyone....i'm an engineering student living in India. My first submitted article ,' The History Of Search engines' ,which was meant for a public request,was rejected with an explanation that CC only accepts completely original content. There was no one to blame but myself as about 95% of the article was completely original and i lazily lifted a couple of definitions from another such article i had read. Having learnt my lesson, i submitted an article about health which was absolutely my own and it got accepted after what felt like an eternity( i guess requested articles get first preference). Considering the draconian rules of acceptance here at CC, I couldn't help feeling important all day long and walked around the house with a stupid grin on my face.My old man didn't think it was that big a deal and mumbled something about everyone writing blogs these days. I was feeling too content and blissed to give him an explanation about how CC worked ....i guess i will just flaunt around some goodies that i will buy after my first payment and then he will know :-)

Re: An article accepted...can't help feeling important

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:40 am
by jak
Welcome to the fold, kunalsalvi, and congratulations on your first accepted article. Keep on submitting and then the next milestone is your first sale. Perhaps then your father will sit up and take notice.