Not just me, of course, but hundreds of employees at five offices in two countries.
(Happy Holidays, eh? But I know I'm not the only one, so I'm not complaining, just noticing.)
Fortunately for me and my mental health, though, I am able to look over at the desk and know that I already have a framework of online writing in place, ready and waiting for more attention. And in fact, of course, I would not have gone to the trouble to be starting up that network if I did not want to do it, which I do (ie: write, in general, and especially online). I have not had a panic attack yet or undue stress about losing the job, so far, because I know for sure that I have other options. My online world is not paying me great quite yet, but it does pay, and I know it could be more, if I had the time to give it the attention it needs. It's very reassuring and heartening to know all that - I feel hopeful and excited about a new adventure coming soon in life, not helpless.
meanwhile, they are trying to find a place to reassign me at The Job and I will take that if it is offered, because I don't have the house paid off quite yet!
but in any event, I just wanted to check in here with this update. I do think of CC quite often, as one of my most-preferred places to write, even though I have not had time to come by much this semester. But who knows? Maybe now I will have lots of time!
To Happy Days Ahead!