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Lost my job
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:02 am
by Karbyn
About a week ago, I was laid off at my full time job.
Not just me, of course, but hundreds of employees at five offices in two countries.
(Happy Holidays, eh? But I know I'm not the only one, so I'm not complaining, just noticing.)
Fortunately for me and my mental health, though, I am able to look over at the desk and know that I already have a framework of online writing in place, ready and waiting for more attention. And in fact, of course, I would not have gone to the trouble to be starting up that network if I did not want to do it, which I do (ie: write, in general, and especially online). I have not had a panic attack yet or undue stress about losing the job, so far, because I know for sure that I have other options. My online world is not paying me great quite yet, but it does pay, and I know it could be more, if I had the time to give it the attention it needs. It's very reassuring and heartening to know all that - I feel hopeful and excited about a new adventure coming soon in life, not helpless.
meanwhile, they are trying to find a place to reassign me at The Job and I will take that if it is offered, because I don't have the house paid off quite yet!
but in any event, I just wanted to check in here with this update. I do think of CC quite often, as one of my most-preferred places to write, even though I have not had time to come by much this semester. But who knows? Maybe now I will have lots of time!
To Happy Days Ahead!

Re: Lost my job
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:35 am
by Celeste Stewart
It's reassuring to have options like CC. Who knows, you may find you don't want to go back. . .
Re: Lost my job
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:50 am
by Karbyn
I would be quite glad to not go back . . . . I have so many many ideas scrambling around in my head to write about, I just need TIME! If I could stop frittering away 40 or 50 hours a week on The Job, wow, just think what all I could get done!
but on the other hand, I do like the steady income, at least until the house is paid off (5 more years and that's it, if all goes according to plan) and the writing income is not quite up to supporting me just yet. (someday . . . . . )
and on yet another hand, I actually like my job very much and will be sad to see it go.
Re: Lost my job
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:15 pm
by michaelsmoker
It's natural to be excited at the start of a new venture, but online writing takes a long time to start covering household expenses, and for many writers it never does. Be cautious in your optimism and be prepared to work VERY hard.
If you need money quickly or in the short-term, you might want to consider a "regular" job while your writing career is slowly taking off.
Re: Lost my job
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:48 pm
by Celeste Stewart
I found CC while I was pregnant. Once maternity leave kicked in, so did CC. I kept postpoing going back to work (part time) because going back would actually cost me money. I ended up quiting because it simply made no sense financially and because the thought of working a real job after having a taste of freedom was dreadful.
Re: Lost my job
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:17 pm
by jdot
[content removed - no personal attacks/vulgar language allowed]
Re: Lost my job
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:00 pm
by Karbyn
>>>>>If you need money quickly or in the short-term, you might want to consider a "regular" job while your writing career is slowly taking off.
That's the trouble, of course, it is my "regular job" that I have just been laid off from! That's why I'm being so glad I already have some basics set up, at least, in the writing. It's my eHow income that I'm just getting ready to use to buy more school clothes for my daughter this weekend and my ChaCha card that gets my coffee at the writer's group meetings - I'm glad I have a diversified income stream!
But anyway, there's still hope for me to get re-assigned at the "real" Job, so it's so far, so good.
Re: Lost my job
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:36 am
by shtrompi
We all know we are going through tough times. Most of us have already faced the challenge of finding a secure job or of ensuring a steady income.
So, for tough times, new solutions. The labor market has started to evolve and innovate. More and more new and flexible concepts about jobs and offers are starting to appear and make a name for themselves on this market.
Let’s take as an example the jobs for $10 concept. This is a website where people advertise their abilities to perform a certain job. For example, there is a user advertising that he can achieve 5000views for a YouTube video for $20. As it can easily be noticed, $10 is not a fixed price. Each user is free to evaluate the work that he does and set a price for it. If there are any other interested users, they get in touch.
Another job advertised here would be traffic referrals. A user advertises that he can send up to 35.000 traffic visitors to a website, for $10.
There is no limit to what jobs you can advertise here, except the ones of common sense and morale. Also, there is no age limit or other restrictions to becoming a user. Anyone that has a computer, an internet connection and is good at doing something involving these two is a potential user for jobs for $10.
This is yet another way of making money online and after having tested it for a while, I can firmly say that it really works. This is society’s way of adapting itself to the prolonged crisis.
But this site is not only beneficial for the service providers. It can also be used as a great portal for employers, as they can find a wide variety of services here, at low prices and they can find them fast.
Re: Lost my job
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:05 pm
by ThisOldMan
I found CC five minutes after losing a regular 400usd per month online article-writing project. That project was paying me 2 cents per words, in bundles of 20 articles. Here the minimum pay is at least double that. Plus I can choose what to write and when. Also I don't see any limit to the number of articles I can write and submit. Assuming that I write steadily and submit articles at the rate of only one per day, in a very short time, I would have a store of articles, which, if I only sell 'use' rights has the potential to generate a steady income for a long time to come. The only left to do to make it happen is to keep at it.
Look at it this way: even with a regular job, I still have to work for 30 days first before I see my pay.
Rambling musings from
Hallelujah Lovelight.
Love is the light that warms the heart without hurting the eyes.
Re: Lost my job
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:38 am
by jadedragon
ThisOldMan correctly states the opportunity here. Build a library and the sales will roll in. Don't bank on too many multiple use sales but if something sells for use go post it on Bukisa and earn adsense off it forever, while it might still sell here again.
Re: Lost my job
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:23 pm
by VersantScribe
I read from Ed on one of the threads that over 80% of the sales here are Full Rights. This would tell me that authors will be appealing to the largest share of the market by offering the full range of Rights. But for those customers who do choose to buy Usage, I will definitely re-post it after that first download is done.
I'm going to look into Bukisa. I've dabbled a bit with Hubpages but don't think I've ever had an Adsense click.
Re: Lost my job
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:28 pm
by jadedragon
I do very well on Bukisa since they switched to Adsense sharing. I love my Adsense cheques as much as my CC payments

Re: Lost my job
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:15 pm
by VersantScribe
I wanted to share a link from another thread here that really goes into the potential here on CC. There is a very in-depth discussion here about pricing and usage rights, etc. Worth a read to anyone wanting input on the trends that seasoned writers see on this site! ... =4&t=15416
Re: Lost my job
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:29 pm
by Celeste Stewart
May have to revive those old monthly challenges . . . They were always fun.
Re: Lost my job
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:41 am
by VersantScribe
I found the link in your e-book Celeste! There's great info in there. I haven't looked to see if there's another similar book around, but I'd think that they should put a link to it in the MUST READ area for newbies. It really answers so many newbie questions! And gives tips for people already selling.