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AWAI - American Writers and Artists...

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:48 pm
by HNicole

I subscribe to the writer's digest newsletter and they had an advertisement on the AWAI writing course: (I put a space in to kill the link)

I always saw Writers Digest as a reputable place, but then I read the AWAI site and see the "Make money fast" message and I hesitate...Has anyone taken this course? Is it a good course?

The thing is, I don't believe in "making money fast"... the thing is, it takes work. But I am curious to know if this place is selling a worthwhile product that teaches good copywriting skills.

Does anyone have info on this?

Re: AWAI - American Writers and Artists...

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:22 pm
by aprilk10
Never heard of them, but just went to the address you provided. Looks like nothing more than a money making gimmick to me. I don't think it necessarily means Writer's Digest is not reputable. I imagine they have all kinds of ads. I'm sure the AWAI provides you with some kind of course...whether it is something that is actually useful or not is questionable. Likely all they teach you are things you can learn for free somewhere else.

Re: AWAI - American Writers and Artists...

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:47 pm
by Evelyn
AWAI is definitely in the business of making money, mostly off JV partners but also through their own products/training. They really don't try to hide this fact, but instead apologize by following a pretty good "make money online" model. I *think* the story is that Rebecca Matter got her start in Michael Masterson's Early to Rise enterprises, or at least they JV each other's stuff all the time. That group of people does indeed make millions of dollars off their products and affiliate products... Whether you can do the same is an entirely different story.

I'm not saying their training is bad or even sketchy. I've seen Rebecca Matter in webinars and she seems to know what she's talking about--though she tends to aim for the "low hanging fruit" of spanky new copywriters.

My advice to you: if you've got articles for sale at CC, you're beyond needing the training AWAI is offering. Keep your money safely in your pocket and don't get drawn into a very well-written squeeze page.

I take that back. Go and examine that squeeze page to find out what convinced you to consider the product. That'll be all the lesson you need in how to write an effective landing page for affiliate products--and use that analysis to write half-a-dozen short articles to put up for sale on CC! Then put it together into an ebook and offer it for sale! Then get AWAI to JV with you!

Sorry, got carried away.

Re: AWAI - American Writers and Artists...

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:56 am
by HNicole
Actually, it wasn't the squeeze page that made me want the product, it was the fact it was recommended by writers digest, a company I trust. The page absolutely turned me OFF to the product...but I do know that squeeze pages like that are extremely effective and work on MOST people...