Any Regular Freelancers Here? Question on writing markets

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Any Regular Freelancers Here? Question on writing markets

Post by jfmalewitz »

I love my content sites, but I have decided to make more attempts at traditional publications. Here is the thing. I am not sure a freelance writing career is viable for me, and was hoping someone could help me with markets. I have the 2007 Writer's Market and the 2005 Writer's Handbook. It just seems the topics I want to cover do not have many markets. I would like to write personal experience, mental health, journalism, how-to-write, College, drug addiction, and maybe religion. Personal experience kindve ties into each of those listed. There are a good number of writing markets for that, but I was surprised that with so many college students in the states there weren't more magazines slanted towards that market. There is education and career, but most of those do not cover college. The same story with mental health: there are millions of Americans with depression, but barely any print magazines focused on mental health. I don't know where I am going with this, but it just seems the articles I want to write do not have a lot of possible markets. I am more than willing to do research, even go beyond what I am interested in, but I don't know where to start. UG. What should I do? I am a young newspaper writing who reads these stories of freelance writers scoffing at $300 (!). I know, you can probably tell I'm not ready for that. Thanks for listening.
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Post by catnipp333 »


I'm not sure if this will help you, but I have been asking about other places to write for in another post -- you can find it under "general" & then the post is "Authors List". Many other writers have given a lot of places to look at.

Two they do not mention that I have checked out & they do seem to be a more "personal experience" sites -- Another one is -- I have been to (briefly) both of these sites & REALLY do NOT know "how they work...", but if you have the time maybe you can see what they offer.

Some of the forums they mention are sure to have info that may help you also.

GOOD LUCK -- hope you find your "market"!

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other ideas

Post by cbhrbooth »

Another idea is to consider what you read -- if you're interested in mental health issues what magazines do you subscribe to? What magazines or newsletters or websites do you read to get your "fix"? I know most of the major health insurance companies put out very nice, well-written, glossy newsletters as well as buy material for their private websites. (And they pay nicely too if you have the background. I don't, but have a friend who does.) Look at the association newsletters, hospital, etc. These articles may be targeting the professional, but reading them you'll find clues to where the health professionals look to dispense their information to the general public. And then you follow that lead. (That is, if you are writing to the general public!)

Can't help with breaking into the top-tier freelance markets but [i]when[/i] I do sell a feature cover story, I'll let everyone know. :D

Good luck!!