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Footnotes and References

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:24 am
by StevenLEstes
I just noticed today that footnotes are no longer permitted in article submissions. I have had articles accepted with footnotes and that raises several questions.

Since footnotes are no longer permitted, I would think that references should be fully cited within the text rather than in a bibliography at the conclusion of the article. Is that correct?

Secondly, my impression is that for books the publisher, city, and copyright date do not need to be included unless that information is relevant to the content of the article. Is that correct?

Citing a chapter in a book could impose a lengthy distraction in the text by the time all the data is included. My impression is that for ConstantContent it is not necessary to include every single detail. To give an example, <Tom Smith (Jones and Wright, eds., Boring Last Names, p. 123) believes that many last names are quite interesting>. Is that correct?

Finally, when citing a book title (e.g. Boring Last Names) I have not been able to underline nor italicize the words in the title when submitting an article. I wouldn't think that quotation marks are acceptable because that gives the impression that the book is an article. So, Is it okay to leave the title written like this: Boring Last Names?

I would really like to know what the new procedure is since footnotes are no longer acceptable. Can anyone help me out?

Re: Footnotes and References

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:21 pm
by Abbamay
Hi Steven,

I don't know how we all missed seeing your post. Hopefully someone will see today's date on this post and take a look and maybe they can help you. I have no idea really because I haven't been referencing books in my articles lately, but I think it would be no problem for you to email CC directly and ask what they'd like you to do.

Let us know if you get a good answer. All the best.
