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Any Experience in Self-Publishing A Book?

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 2:50 pm
by jfmalewitz
Hi guys,
I decided to ask my question here. I am in the midst of writing a non-fiction book. My initial aim is to self-publish this via Booklocker. One published writer told me that was a great choice, another writer told me to consider another publisher like Lulu. I have done a bunch of studying and found plenty of clear articles. But, does anyone have experience in self-publishing? I was just curious what your experience has been. I am close to the finish line and I am only aiming to publish this as an EBook because I simply don't have the finances for POD.

self publishing

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 3:43 pm
by Cheryl
i would look at lulu, createspace and possibly J.R. Hartley. Think twice about the ebook format because of piracy.

And don't expect to get rich, at least not right away, unless you have a ready market and can charge heavy for your book.

Best of luck,
Cheryl Rogers