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Writer's Block Anyone?

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:29 pm
by Galskygge
Not long ago I broke through my writer's block, so I was wondering how all of you cope with writer's block. Perhaps some of your answers will be helpful to others :).


Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:18 am
by J. A. Young
I don't really believe in it. I might have days when I'm tired and don't feel like writing, but I trudge on anyway, even if it's something basic. If it isn't a writing day, than it's a research day. I also make lists of article titles so I always have something to turn to. I find that money is a big incentive to write and a wonderful way to prevent writers block. When I sell an article I'm good to write at least three more.

I also hunt for lots of good research material on subjects I love so I have things to fall back on when there are no requests that interest me.

A trip to the bookstore is always a good place to stock up on new ideas too. So many interesting things to research--I guess my problem is translating my interest into an article that is likely to sell. --J

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:18 pm
by Galskygge
I'd have to agree with you on that. Though I have ran into writer's block a couple of times when things were going really slow with writing.

Re: Writer's Block Anyone?

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 4:29 pm
by mskatmoon
Galskygge wrote:Not long ago I broke through my writer's block, so I was wondering how all of you cope with writer's block. Perhaps some of your answers will be helpful to others :).

I write! I believe there is writer's block but I believe that like with any problem you can solve it easily by just dealing with it. Not trying to sound callous or anything.

I have had times I didn't know what to write so I'd do other creative things such as painting (even though I don't paint real well) or draw or even color with my kids. That's always a hoot! Plus, the kids love it!

Prompts work for me too. So does an argument. Nothing like a good debate to get me talking, and writing.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:43 pm
by Galskygge
Painting actually can help. I'm horrible at it but I love to do it. Painting helps us to be creative without words, which in turn can help us give our little writer inside of us a break. I started creating my own "oblique deck". I bought a pack of index cards and grabbed an index card holder that was lying around. The official website for oblique cards allows you to use a set online for free and also allows you to download a small file, containing the same kind of stuff on the online version of their deck of cards. I just used a bit of the stuff from the download - jotted it down on those index cards - and found random words, phrases, etc. that may help with a break through on writer's block when my mind is just kind of stuck for a moment.

making a phrase prompt book

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:49 am
by mskatmoon
Galskygge wrote:Painting actually can help. I'm horrible at it but I love to do it. Painting helps us to be creative without words, which in turn can help us give our little writer inside of us a break. I started creating my own "oblique deck". I bought a pack of index cards and grabbed an index card holder that was lying around. The official website for oblique cards allows you to use a set online for free and also allows you to download a small file, containing the same kind of stuff on the online version of their deck of cards. I just used a bit of the stuff from the download - jotted it down on those index cards - and found random words, phrases, etc. that may help with a break through on writer's block when my mind is just kind of stuck for a moment.
I bought a little black lined book from Barnes and Noble years back when I first started writing. I write down short phrases I hear and like, words that I like the sound of and other such stuff. That way I can use it when I am feeling less inspired.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:56 am
by Galskygge
That was a great idea, ms. :)

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 6:05 pm
by MarikaRamos
I clean. Obsessively. People can always tell when I'm having a hard time writing, because they can smell the Pine-Sol halfway down the driveway, lol!
If I really need to write, and I can't form a coherent thought, I'll write nonsense until I finally "get through it". Some of that nonsense has later turned into inspiration for fiction, so I save it. I'm sure that someday, my grandchildren are going to find my old notebooks and say, "Wow! Grandma was crazy!"

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:24 pm
by freelanceprowriter
When I can´t write, I usually play with my son or watch some tv for a bit until I feel like writing again. If I have to get something done for a deadline, though, I just start researching and writing down whatever comes out, even if it is terrible. Then I revise afterwards.

Reading articles or blogs online helps, too! You get some good ideas for new articles from looking at other subjects, just type a random word into Google and see what happens! :)

Yet another trick (I don´t actually have THAT much trouble with writing, honest!) is to write down article ideas when they come to me. I have a Word document that is just ideas organized by theme. So when I need a new topic, I just look at that list.

Do I know about writer's block?? LOL

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:56 am
by LucyParkerWatkins
OMG! I can't even begin to tell you how bad it was. Of course, it happened during some of my darkest days. What helped me was Julia Cameron's [u]Artist's Way[/u]. I participated in a group facilitated by a dear friend.

What it comes down to ultimately is fear.....fear of rejection, judgement and just not being good enough.

I battled it for 2 years fearing my life-long dream of writing MY book had been lost forever. Then, one day, this same friend (Blynda) called me and asked me to fill in for a writer who had dropped the ball on a magazine article about her. I had two days to write it.

The response from the editor was immediate. She loved the article and I've written every feature for them since. I still battle the issues at the periphery of writer's block, but I'm writing my little butt off.

So, I suggest people dive in and write, write, write in a journal or mock articles/essays. Also, read, read, read and remind yourself of the beauty of language, how it's manipulated, how it's shared and how it affects people.

Lucy Parker Watkins

Nothing so frightens me as writing, but nothing so satisfies me.
--Maya Angelou