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Picture and text package submission

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:15 pm
by Lucid Expert
Hi all,
I have searched (best I can) the forums for info on submitting packages of text and photos (or illustrations). Found nada.

It appears the photo section is having trouble getting its feet off the ground. If we could submit articles with photos wouldn't the synergy of them together be a big plus?

Any plans? Any ideas?

Yes, I am both a writer and a photographer.


Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:07 am
by Lauren
Hi there,

From what I understand, you can submit a document with photos embedded and let customers know in your short summary, and by adding something in your long summary like [Photo: San Antonio River] in the appropriate spots. However, doing it this way, customers won't be able to see the photos until after they purchase.

The other option is to submit the text and photographs separately, and then make a note (in short summary, I think) that there are photographs available, and direct the customers to the links for those photographs. Then the customer can decide whether to put them all in their cart or not.

That's my understanding of the two ways this can work as it stands right now.


Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:38 am
by Lucid Expert
Thanks! At least there is a way to point people to the photos.

P.S. I had just finished work on a TON of "San Antonio River" photos ...Weird!