Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:57 am
Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
Thanks. In two days it will be 2 weeks since I submitted my application and still no response. Perhaps my English is not good enough. Judging by my results of the English tests that I took my English should be fine but that does not seem to be the case.
Last edited by TypingMagician on Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
I applied three times, waited almost 6 months on the first application and got rejected. I reapplied a couple of years later (and a few more writing classes later) messed up on the test due to a screaming roommate, waited another 6 months and 2 writing classes later and reapplied and waited nearly two months before my application was accepted. Be paitent.
Right now it can take anywhere from 2 days to two weeks for our articles to be reviewed due to in influx of applicants migrating from recently closed writing avenues and flooding our dear diligent editors and administrators with applications.
Right now it can take anywhere from 2 days to two weeks for our articles to be reviewed due to in influx of applicants migrating from recently closed writing avenues and flooding our dear diligent editors and administrators with applications.
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:57 am
Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
6 months? Wow, never heard of an application process that would take this long. Admins must be awfully busy. I will be patient.
Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
Well, please don't think of me as being rude or anything. I do find mistakes in your writing. Mainly run-on sentences, comma usage, sentence structure, etc. Also, you may want to make the writing more formal here. If you have a writing sample, I will be happy to read it through and spot any mistakes. Without absolute perfection (I stress it) you cannot get accepted here. When I write my articles, I try to avoid informal language and concentrate on formal, straightforward writing. Sentences have to be perfectly punctuated. I hope you get accepted soon.TypingMagician wrote:Hello everyone,
I'd like to throw in a little introduction about myself before I do anything else. I am a university student and want to make extra income by freelance writing for others. Even though I also write for myself and for my own websites, freelance writing is something I am interested in because I hope it will allow me to expand my knowledge of the English language in various fields I wouldn't otherwise bother researching and learning about. I don't intend to go into too much detail about myself, one for privacy reasons and two, because I simply don't see any need to do so. Privacy is also why I picked such a mysterious username on the forum here.
My questions is: Why does it seem impossible for me to get accepted into Constant Content? I have tried twice now, the first attempt was about two weeks ago, I waited about a week for a response without hearing from CC and then I tried to apply again. Both times I got through the grammar test without problems and submitted a writing sample as I was asked. Perhaps my writing ability isn't good enough and I am not a proficient writer? I don't think so. I don't want this to come off as arrogant but I think I am a decent writer and on other networks I never had difficulty getting accepted and having my articles purchased.
Looking forward to your responses!
P.S.: As a brand new member of the forum, I am not really certain whether this question fits in the "Questions and Answers" sub-forum. Hopefully it does and I am not annoying anyone.
Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
I wouldn't worry, TypingMagician - I'm not perfect when I scribble a message on the forum after a day's writing work, so we won't judge anyone by their forum messages!
Keep contacting them and hopefully you'll get an answer soon. All the best.
Keep contacting them and hopefully you'll get an answer soon. All the best.
- Posts: 304
- Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:15 am
Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
I think most people here would agree with AbbaMay on this one! Hope you get accepted soon 

- Posts: 10
- Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:57 am
Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
Thank you for the hopeful comments, I do hope I will get accepted soon. If only there was a way I could speed up the process. I don't want to wait 6 months before I receive a response. 

Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
Is it worth contacting CC TypingMagician? I only say that because a friend of mine applied and hadn't heard after a few weeks, so he contacted them and was told he hadn't been successful. I'm not saying that it'll be the same in your case, but at least you'll know either way?
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:57 am
Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
Thank you for the suggestion. I tried contacting CC once and didn't receive a response. I'll give it another shot, though. 

- Posts: 44
- Joined: Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:56 pm
Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
I would definitely not recommend Textbroker as a good place to start anything that you hope to make money from. Four or five dollars per article there is the same thing as going backwards. I also agree with Lysis that many of the hobby writers who think they can write actually can't - at least not profitably, professionally and to editor-friendly standards (editor-friendly - is that a hyphenated oxymoron?). However, I have also noticed that increasing numbers of people on Constant Content have been complaining lately about the inexcusably long wait to hear from admin about their applications (the article editing times also seem to have slowed down, at least in my experience). Which is a shame. We seem to often be hearing of writers sending numerous emails to CC for various reasons, and not hearing back for weeks (or more). So this isn't your fault - it's CC's. A writing site like this only works if they communicate properly and promptly with their writers. They need to lift their game. I don't know if CC has a specific person in charge of new applications, but they should. However, you also have to look at it from their perspective - they no doubt get inundated with numerous writer applications, some of which are certainly pretty horrible - so it's hard to guess what sort of volume they're trying to get through.
Every competent business on earth should be able to reply to emails (especially from the people who are making money for them - or intend to) within three business days. Not sure why CC feels it can afford to be the exception. If it hopes to retain good writers and attract new ones, it really can't.
I hope you hear from someone eventually - good luck!
Kevin Casey
Every competent business on earth should be able to reply to emails (especially from the people who are making money for them - or intend to) within three business days. Not sure why CC feels it can afford to be the exception. If it hopes to retain good writers and attract new ones, it really can't.
I hope you hear from someone eventually - good luck!
Kevin Casey
- Posts: 304
- Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:15 am
Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
I agree with that. It's not acceptable to leave people in limbo like this without even acknowledging emails.
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:57 am
Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
Kevin, thank you for the encouraging words. Just to let you know: Your book ("Kevin Casey's Guide to Making Money on Constant Content" I believe it is?) is what made me strive for an account here. 

- Posts: 10
- Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:57 am
Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
Just to let everybody who has been following this post know: I have just been accepted into the network. This was a reaction to a ticket I sent to the staff a few days ago and it worked! Thank you for trying to help me and I'll be in touch regarding my progress as a writer. 

Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
- Posts: 304
- Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:15 am
Re: Having Trouble Getting Accepted Into CC
That's great news! It's not a ticket to riches but it's a good site. I think that Kevin's e-book was based on a time when requests were going through an amazing patch which sadly has ended, but it's still good. Best of luck!