On my projects page where all the requests are listed I can see the due date on each request, but when I click on an individual one to check the details the due date is set for a day earlier than on the main page. Which date is the real one? I usually try to get everything done early anyway, but I am curious. Perhaps it means we should submit it a day earlier to give the editors time.
The same thing happens to me as well, but I'm in a different time zone, so I'm guessing that might be the answer. I assume that the site lists request deadlines in their time zone on the board, but they appear according to my selected time zone in the "My Projects" tab.
Thanks for your reply! I just received an email from CC saying that I should work to the earlier deadline of the two, and that they will try to fix the discrepancy.
I am in a different timezone too - almost a whole day ahead I think.