No Emails

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No Emails

Post by topdycke »

Hello Again,

I'm still not receiving emails regarding requests or I'll receive them days later. Anyone else still having this problem? Should I contact support?

Posts: 4686
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Post by Ed »

I'm still having this problem, too. Are you using Yahoo?
Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

I'm still getting my public request emails okay but the other day I received two private request emails -- two days late! Yikes! Fortunately it was over the weekend so I don't think the customers expected same day service or anything like that but it taught me to check my private request list daily just to be sure.

Also, I wonder if it's not part of a bigger problem with the Internet - some of my own outgoing emails are taking forever to get to their intended recipients too. My husband said, "Why didn't you answer my email today?" and I said, "I did." Two days later he got my response. Also I'm in a Google Group and get emails from everyone including myself. I sent an email last week that finally arrived about five days later. It's intermittent but it keeps happening and just started around the same time that CC started having problems.
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Location: Canada

Post by JD »

I've a Yahoo! account and I'm still receiving CC emails late. I don't seem to be having any problems receiving emails from others though in the way Celeste mentioned.

Posts: 105
Joined: Fri May 26, 2006 8:15 am
Location: Ohio

Post by topdycke »

Yes, I have a yahoo account. The strange thing is I receive them several days later.
Posts: 316
Joined: Mon May 14, 2007 8:46 am
Location: Canada

Post by JD »

Having just said that, I seem to have just received an "article accepted" email on time... But I'm certain the the notifications about sales (although they are remarkably thin on the ground lately :wink: ) and public requests are still coming in late.

