Question about a buyer

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Question about a buyer

Post by WTPayne »

The buyer "jennifer" requested a series of articles on real estate issues and considerations for baby boomers about a month back, and now that request has vanished, with 0 purchased still showing for her name, but a new request posted.

Seems rather odd to me that the first one was pulled without a single purchase made, and simultaneously she asks for different finance articles.

Any thoughts? Is this "normal?" It seems very odd to me, but I'm still learning the ropes on here.
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Post by Ed »

I don't know the deal with this, but I think any articles you wrote for the request would be of interest to other buyers.

Posts: 35
Joined: Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:46 am

WOW, are you fast.

Post by WTPayne »

[quote="Ed"]I don't know the deal with this, but I think any articles you wrote for the request would be of interest to other buyers.


Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing, too, but still it seems kind of odd that the original request was ignored, and there is a PLETHORA of existing content here for the current request.

Are there an resources a poor word-jockey can access to see if their content has been stolen (you know, that first 1/3rd of the article we post on here) that won't cost an arm and a leg?
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Post by Ed »

Google lines from your article.
Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

I don't know about this particular buyer but I do know that some buyers work with other people in their company. For example, "Jason" used to post requests and had a Zero rating -- but his colleague "Don" did all of the buying. Now, Don is off doing some other part of the business and Jason does all of the buying and has a huge rating.

Same with another client that I have who posts under her boss's name. So, you can't be completely sure that this Jennifer hasn't purchased articles. She could have posted them then instructed her secretary to buy them.
Elizabeth Ann West
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Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

I know one of my articles that I wrote for Jennifer, and linked to her sold yesterday. "Home Equity Credit Lines: Seeing Through the Fine Print" was purchased by sedamdragan. The article was listed in Premium Articles too, so I'm not sure if he is affiliated with Jennifer or just found the article on his or her own.

I will say that I will probably post the other articles I had partially completed for her original request, because the topics always seem timely.