It was pointed out to me earlier that, although I've currently got 85 articles uploaded on CC, I don't appear on the 'prolific authors' list. Whilst it really isn't a problem for me, I just wondered why this is? Is the list updated automatically or manually from time to time?
BTW it's really nice to see the breakdown of top selling authors now and see what rights are most popular.
I would send an email about this. I couldn't find you on the author's list, unless you're going by some other name over there. You certainly deserve credit if you have that many articles posted.
LJade wrote:
I just don't get very much attention at home.
That's okay, I dont get a whole lot either, unless there is a mess, someone is hungry, or thirsty or needs something cleaned up, picked up from the store or laundry done. *Sigh*