Okay...one more shot/question before I OFFICIALLY give up...

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Okay...one more shot/question before I OFFICIALLY give up...

Post by Mickeylayne »

thanks Celeste. Finding the help button will probably fix the majority of my problems. Okay. So. Now. (Elaine tries to superglue the gobs of hair back to her skull.) Moving right along. I picked up the article and threw it (yes, at this point I THREW it) into Wordpad. I saved it as a TEXT document. I closed it, threw it on the desktop, then opened it to peek at it. It's ghastly! There's no indentation, NOTHING. Now, I know it says we can submit articles like this, but, I mean, really. Is it reasonable to do so? Won't the summary look awful? I feel like the article needs to be "prettier" somehow, before submitting it. Do you know what I mean?
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Okay...one more shot/question before I OFFICIALLY give up...

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Yes, it does need to be prettier.

At the very least, space your paragraphs so that they conform to the guidelines. Articles need to be single spaced, with double spacing between paragraphs. No indenting at the beginning of paragraphs either.