ED - I think this may be misworded

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ED - I think this may be misworded

Post by cgardener »

From the registration agreement:

"If any article purchased with a “Unique” or “Full Rights” license is found published else after a sale, I will be responsible for giving Constant Content a full refund for the article purchased."

I'm sure you didn't mean it exactly as it reads.

I'm sure you have heard of "SPLOGGERS" and "SCRAPERS". How can we be held responsible for someone else stealing sold material and posting it elsewhere?

Articles and blog posts are stolen all the time, every day. I've even had some of mine stolen by a news scraper site, in fact, I took down my political blog because it was getting scraped so often. If this is going to be strictly enforced, I can't see how any of us would feel safe selling full or unique rights to anything.

Maybe it could read "If I am found to be responsible for the publishing of any article sold as "Unique" or "Full Rights" anywhere else after a sale..." That would be a little less arbitrary, don't you think?
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Re: ED - I think this may be misworded

Post by Ed »

I agree that this isn't really correct, but this is a document that will have to be revisited once the site undergoes renovations. Thanks!