Making an offer

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Posts: 62
Joined: Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:52 am

Making an offer

Post by melissan »

I had posted a question to a buyer stating that I could write some of the articles they were requesting, but could they please be more specific as to what they wanted. I was given the details but then told to "make an offer"...isn't this the bidding we are trying to avoid on this site? Or is it appropriate to say to a buyer, "I can write those for you at $$ per word?" I understand that there are negotiations at times, but I am just making sure if I write to the buyer a price per word I won't be breaking policy. I also understand that the buyer doesn't have to buy anyway, even at the agreed upon price. This wasn't a private request for me, but a public request that I had questions for.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Making an offer

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Hi Melissa,

I think that there's a nuance at play here. The difference is between saying, "Pick me, pick me" and a customer responding to an earlier, professional dialog with a "How can you help me?" or "What can I expect to pay?"

If you had blindly responded to the request with a "I can do all of your articles for $x," then you'd risk annoying the customer and the CC head honchos. But it sounds more like you have engaged the customer in different sort of dialog - clarifying his needs (which is sometimes necessary though not always) and showing a willingness to serve.

If the customer responds positively and asks you what you would charge him, IMO, that doesn't seem unreasonable. I believe that there's a huge difference between a customer saying, "Hey, I like your inquisitiveness - what do you charge?"; "I like your other articles - how much would you charge me?"; or "You ask all the right quesions - make me an offer" and a writer bidding for work.

To me, the difference originates with who's initiating a price discussion. In this case, if it were me, I wouldn't hesitate to answer the question. In fact, I'd probably even back it up with an article written with his request in mind. For example, I might say something like, "For this type of work, I usually charge $X per word. Take a look at this article that I recently wrote for your specific request and let me know what you think." (or something similar)

I think it's important to be human and approachable while also backing yourself up with solid examples and speculation articles without being aggressive and annoying to the customer. Sounds like the customer is interested in what you have to offer, so I'd offer it.
Posts: 62
Joined: Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:52 am

Re: Making an offer

Post by melissan »

Good way to put it. I figured as much, I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to get myself booted for a type of negotiating. Buyer initiated the request for an offer and so that is what I'll do, make one.

I might as well do something when I am up at 4 am with chronic insomnia that hits with a vengeance as soon as it starts to get cold at night.
