Public Request Payment Discrepancy?

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Celeste Stewart
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Re: Public Request Payment Discrepancy?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Phew! Glad to hear that. And if I do become the sole breadwinner, you may see Mr. Stewart joining our ranks, LOL but I have to teach him how to type first.
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Re: Public Request Payment Discrepancy?

Post by Ed »

I hope it doesn't happen! I think everyone's feeling a bit vulnerable and insecure right now. The best thing we can do here is provide a supportive environment where those who are skilled at writing can succeed. The last I heard, people are still using the internet, so CC is still providing a needed product.

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Re: Public Request Payment Discrepancy?

Post by BarryDavidson »

I usually let articles sit in my CC folder for a few days before posting, so I absolutely understand where you're coming from Ed. I also understand that some may NEED to lower their prices for various reasons.

I've actually marveled at some of the prices customers are willing to pay for good work in this troubled time. I really respect the customers who put up a request basically saying, "Look... We're very good at what we do, but we just can't write the way a professional can. So knowing our skills, we're willing to pay well for those we don't have."

That lifts a company/customer up many notches in my book. Know your limits is a very good axiom. I don't know a lot about particle accelerators, but I could write a basic article about them - explaining what they are and what they do. I couldn't even begin to explain the detailed dynamics of operating one, or the mathematics behind it though. I'd leave that to someone with more knowledge. I also know that I couldn't charge as much for the former, but I would still try to get as much as I could.
Elizabeth Ann West
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Re: Public Request Payment Discrepancy?

Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

I see the note at the bottom of the newly revamped $4 per article for 20 articles in 4 days says it all.