Thank you for the March payment, but...

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Thank you for the March payment, but...

Post by nichewriter »

Thanks so much to CC for always making timely payments! However, I'm in a bind...the payment I received for March is not the right amount. It's about $16 less than what I'm supposed to have earned after CC commission.

I've written to support about this -- a few times, actually, but it never got resolved. I've called support's attention to this on March 8, March 10, March 26 and March 29. I also mentioned this issue in the forums (under the "sales disappeared" thread) hoping to get a response.

On my March 26 and 29 e-mails, I sent support an attachment with the details of the articles I sold, their amounts and how much my total earning is less commission. I don't know if that attachment ever got through or not (I didn't get a bounce e-mail) because I didn't get a response.

I hope someone from CC will take note of this post, and the remaining amount can be credited to my account finally :o)

Thanks, and thanks to CC folk for creating a place for writers like me to sell our work! :o)
Last edited by nichewriter on Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thank you for the March payment, but...

Post by KarenLiebhaber »

The same thing happened to me. I was supposed to get $19.50 more than I did, in March also. I've written twice and not heard back yet. Any word on yours?
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Re: Thank you for the March payment, but...

Post by nichewriter »

Hi, Karen.

Sorry to hear you are in the same boat as me :o( No, I haven't heard anything back from CC support after 4 e-mails. In my e-mail to them last March 8, I let them know that my earnings were off -- that was the week when CC had those fraudulent purchases. Five of my articles were fraudulently purchased and when CC corrected it by taking out the earnings, for some reason, they deducted more from the amount I've already earned, which left my account "out of whack", as support wrote back to me on March 10. They said they were trying to fix it, but unfortunately, it hasn't been fixed after more than 3 weeks.

And 2 of the 5 articles of mine that were fraudulently purchased still haven't been restored so they could be available for unique rights and fullrights -- I'm still scratching my head over that one. In a separate e-mail with David Kool, he wrote back to me on March 18th that they were working on restoring the articles. I'm glad at least that the other articles were restored, but it would be nice if the remaining ones could be up there too :o)

I honestly don't know how else to contact support about the earning issue -- I've already e-mailed them several times, and I can certainly understand if they're swamped still trying to fix the fraudulent purchases from 3 weeks back. I didn't want to bombard them with e-mails every day or several times a week each week, which is why I've only made 4 attempts in the last 3 weeks to get them to fix the problem.

I really love CC and think it's a wonderful venue. I just hope I (we) can get the earning issue straightened out as soon as possible!
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Re: Thank you for the March payment, but...

Post by KarenLiebhaber »

Support just rectified the problem and went ahead and paid me. Did you receive your solution as well?
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Re: Thank you for the March payment, but...

Post by nichewriter »

I'm glad yours got resolved, Karen. Mine still isn't. I'm going to contact them again shortly to see if I will finally get a response.

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Re: Thank you for the March payment, but...

Post by nichewriter »

Goodness! When CC finally gets back to you, they *really* do more! ;o) Just got paid the missing $16 something balance for my March sales, AND also got paid for the 5 articles I've sold so far this month! (How cool is that?) OK, back to writing and submitting again :o)
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Re: Thank you for the March payment, but...

Post by HayleyWriter »

You've already sold 5 articles in April? That's tremendous in itself! Congratulations. I'm glad CC sorted out the payment issue for you.

Kind regards,

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Re: Thank you for the March payment, but...

Post by nichewriter »

Hi, Hayley.

The 3 sales were for the alternative medicine request yesterday. I have about a dozen on those already that have been up for nearly a year, and I'm very happy the customer bought 3 outright (and I just accepted his best offer for another one). The other 2 sales were insurance-related for another buyer. I was very excited to see all 5 sales today! That doesn't happen to me a lot ;o)

Thanks, and hope you're having a great night!
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Re: Thank you for the March payment, but...

Post by HayleyWriter »

It doesn't happen to anyone a lot, I think! Some days are certainly diamonds, so enjoy it. It's particularly nice when a customer comes along and buys articles you've practically given up on because the articles have sat on the site for so long. It's not night here yet, still half way through Friday, but I will still enjoy the evening.

Kind regards,

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Re: Thank you for the March payment, but...

Post by BarryDavidson »

Yeah Haley, it's great to see that article sold email - especially when you forgot about writing the article in the first place. Even more especially when you get your monthly payment and it's fifty-plus dollars more than you expected because of last minute sales. I love this site. I just wish I had more time to write lately.