MR Ed Editor your wrong

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Re: MR Ed Editor your wrong

Post by evie »

Ah I understand! Sorry got the wrong end of the stick.

I think it would be a good idea to have to send in some samples. But then you have the issue of distinguishing from just a couple of articles whether the person is chronically and forever flawed in their writing, or if they will improve. I got several articles rejected at the beginning, but using the info on the site and the forum I brought my standard up and haven't had a rejection in ages...

it's a tough one!
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Re: MR Ed Editor your wrong

Post by Lor »

But ... but, they'd still have their articles reviewed in my thinking. It's just to do an initial weeding.

Anyway, gotta run. All the best at CC.
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Re: Haley-Writer and everyone

Post by sabrianc63 »

To Haley-Writer
I am so sorry I really did not understand you would be willing to proofread my articles before submission, I am sorry to everyone I was venting , but I was extremely upset I had submitted 3 different articles in which I did spell check and go
through with a fine tooth comb no one is perfect! maybe there was an I or coma out of place it is something small, I read forum post that mentioned sometimes ed would kick things back and ask for a rewrite or a few small thing to fix them. In my case it was a slap in the face. Sorry MS word does miss several errors when spell checking and so forth. But this is ok The same articles have been published elsewhere. I see error many times in other people email work sometimes etc.
I think my problem is being in a rush to write finish publish make money, I have read the whole site and did take time to read everything as you did suggest. I was very careful when submitting the articles web content or whatever you call it. I am 45 years so no need to go back to school. But always ready to learn something new and being I was a car salesperson for 10 years and a marketing mgr I can take constructive criticism well, I really appreciate it this will help with everything.

And yes in the forum I really not one to care for the punctuations being perfect , and yeah I know it looks bad.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: MR Ed Editor your wrong

Post by Celeste Stewart »

I'm so glad to see you are willing to look at this objectively and I think we all understand that there was some venting going on. The only thing I would add is to consider this: Would you go to a dentist who isn't "really one to care" about regular teeth brushing? That's why we care about grammar,spelling, word choice, and punctuation in forum posts. It's part of our professional identities and it separates those of us who take pride in our words from those of us who don't really care so much. Guess which writers the customers prefer?

Good luck and I hope that you take the advice offered from all of us to heart. We're all growing and learning and you can too.
Posts: 14
Joined: Sun May 17, 2009 10:21 am

Re: Celeste thank you

Post by sabrianc63 »

Thank you for the input on compound words,grammar and spelling. I am working to improve where needed and this seems to be in several areas. The critiques are appreciated thank you, this helps me to understand what is wrong with my writing, I know many times writers do not catch their own mistakes and when someone else reads the article mistakes are very noticeable.
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Re: MR Ed Editor your wrong

Post by RichardMorgan »

It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who will automatically assume that having an article get rejected is a rejection of them. In some ways, it's like watching AMERICAN IDOL auditions. There will be a couple of truly horrendous singers who will then freak out when being told they aren't going to be selected. Don't some of these people realize that going off the deep end will not win any points? In fact, it just makes so many of these people look foolish and petty.