Review Time

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Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:36 pm

Review Time

Post by rodneysouthern »

Is it normal for review times to exceed three days? Not complaining at all, I am just wondering. I joined constant content some time ago, and have only recently decided to start submitting on a regular basis. I submitted several articles a few days ago, and it seems as though in the past they were reviewed after only a day or two. I was just wondering what the average review time for regular articles is when they are not requests.

Thanks guys, and I look forward to getting to know everyone!

Posts: 244
Joined: Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:39 pm

Re: Review Time

Post by audrabianca »

There was a time where we waited 2 to 3 days or less. You can find a post earlier this week about there not being a normal review time anymore. I am waiting 5 to 6 days for regular article submissions now. We have a lot of new writers and a lot of public requests. All that plays into a slower wait time. If the editor did not get to yours by end of business Friday, he might be getting back to all of ours on Monday. He only occasionally puts through a significant amount of articles on weekends.
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:36 pm

Re: Review Time

Post by rodneysouthern »

thanks! I know Ed is rather busy, and I hope I did not sound as though I were complaining. Thanks for the information though. Maybe I should look into doing some requests.