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Post by michellehoman »

I have read some very informative posts and articles on pricing here at CC. I have had some luck after first registering, but seem to be going through a lull. I have mainly 400-600 word health and fitness articles priced at $15, all for usage only. Do you think this pricing scares buyers away? I figured since it is the 'best offer', buyers wouldn't hesitate to offer $10 or so. If I price at $10, I am afraid I will end up selling for $7. I'm still very new here, but really loving CC and the opportunities it provides. Should I drop to $10 or not?? Please feel free to give your opinions!
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Pricing

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Why not try $12 or $13? Might be just enough of a nudge to make a difference. Also, do you have any articles on the site offered for full rights or are they all usage only? You might try writing a few for full and see what happens.
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Re: Pricing

Post by michellehoman »

Thanks so much for your reply Celeste. My head was starting to spin so I figured I'd hit up the boards for opinions!

ALL of my articles are usage only. I've been working on some full rights to add to my portfolio...I guess my biggest fear is that I will spend all this time writing full rights articles and they wont sell! $12 for the usage articles is a good idea.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Pricing

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Ah, but they won't sell if they aren't written :) So many of us swear by the write it and they will sell (eventually) philosophy. I believe CC's "How to Get More Sales" thread said that 7 out of 10 articles submitted sell. This seems pretty accurate according to my own calculations. Plus, if the articles never sell here, you can always pull them and post them on Associated Content.
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Re: Pricing

Post by Antonia »

Didn't that thread also say that most licenses that sell are for full rights? I know looking at other people's stats and my own, the majority seem to be for full-righs. So Michelle, I think it's well worth your while to write some new articles. There could be people right now looking at your work and thinking, "Gosh, too bad she only has usage rights for sale, or I would snap that up!" Like Celeste says, you can always post them on AC if they don't sell (but wait a few months to give them a decent chance).

Topics I have had good luck with lately are personal finance and productivity. ANYTHING you write that starts with "How to Save Money..." will get tons of hits in the first couple of days! Try a very specific niche like how to save money in the kitchen, on sports equipment, on luxury products, on cheese...

I don't mean to tell you what to write :) Just that if you're worried about "wasting" time on writing full rights, it makes sense to aim for popular topics...the other thing you can do is check Mike's Marketing for keywords at ... ml...these are the 500 most popular google searches in the last 48 hours...this shows what people are searching for...and therefore what website owners will need to purchase content for...there are a ton of other tools like this out there too.
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Joined: Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:04 pm

Re: Pricing

Post by michellehoman »

Thanks guys! I'm going to take the plunge and write some full rights articles. I started at CC because I had been writing for Helium and figured I'd just post all those articles here for usage and see what would happen! But CC is such a great outlet itself, it deserves some of its own articles. I do see that many of the articles that sell are full rights and deal with money, mortgage, etc.

Thanks for the advice...I have to start writing!
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Re: Pricing

Post by jeam89 »

Well, I'm new here but I don't know if the prices here are right. I've an online friend who buys 450-word article (unique content) at $5 but he don't tell me yet where he buys it. However, I'm a frequent buyer here > me their price is quite okay but I still want it a bit lower. You see my friend has purchased so many articles online, including reviews at a very low price and earned big from those articles.
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Re: Pricing

Post by nichewriter »

In CC, writers set their prices. Additionally, CC has a price chart that writers can use when pricing their articles. If you're someone who is simply after content for the search engines or you are not really concerned about getting quality, publish-ready content, you will find the prices of articles here on CC on the high end.

Many web site owners and online publishers are willing to pay $30, $40, $50 or more for 500-word articles here on CC because they know they will get quality content, which were not merely written to make the search engines happy or add to the already growing number of shoddy articles written by people who think they can call themselves writers just because they can string together 400 words in 10 minutes, call it an article, and sell it for less than $5. CC has an editor who approves or rejects articles here, and to customers, this assures them that they will be getting good value for their money.

I took a look at the link you included in your post and read samples, and with all due respect, they are hardly at par with the articles here on CC. I spotted lots of grammar and punctuation errors, and those are just for starters. I'm not Ed, but if any of those samples were submitted here, I don't think they'll pass muster. When it comes to content, you get what you pay for.