Photography Requests?

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Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:16 am

Photography Requests?

Post by krista »

Hi! Do customers ever post requests for photos? If so, would those be in with the public writing requests, or should I look somewhere else?
Posts: 738
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:58 am
Location: New Mexico

Re: Photography Requests?

Post by Debbi »


I've been here two months and I've never seen anyone post a request for photographs or illustrations. I took a look at the buyer request form and there's no specific option to request either of those things (or videos either). I'm sure a buyer can put it in the Title or Description field, but I doubt they think of it.

Support, if you're listening, maybe you could include a required choice for Writing, Photograph, Illustration, or Video and it might prompt the buyer to request some of those other things? Also, I thought some info/suggestions under the Description and Subject form labels might be helpful to the buyer filling out the request, for one thing, what is the difference between "Description", "Subject", and "Notes". Sometimes the buyer seems to put the same info in all three. Do you mean Subject to be the category? What if you made Subject into Category and gave the buyer the same pull-down menu we get for submitting articles?

Ok, I'll stop. You know me, always thinking....and always wanting! :mrgreen:
