Multiple Articles in One Private Request

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Multiple Articles in One Private Request

Post by GeorgeDickson »

Hey all,

I'm hoping someone might be able to shed some light on this:

I just received my first private request (Yeah!) a few days ago, but I have a question about it. The single request included several articles. I'm wondering if I am supposed to submit all the articles in one document with a combined price, or submit each article for the request separately. Does it matter? Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again everyone,

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Re: Multiple Articles in One Private Request

Post by Ed »

Please submit them separately for easier review. If one has to be rejected for some reason, you won't have to resubmit the others as a result.

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Multiple Articles in One Private Request

Post by Celeste Stewart »

I almost always bundle mine into one document. If it's a larger request, then I break it into a set of bundled articles such as one set each day.

It makes it easier for everyone involved. Imagine uploading five documents individually. Not that big of a deal, but when you consider everyone else involved, it adds up. It means that Ed also has to access five separate documents, input them separately into the plagiarism checking software, approve each one individually, etc. Next, the customer has to view five separate pages, click on five different documents to purchase, and then download five separate documents once he buys them. Having a single document containing all five articles is much easier for everyone involved.

Congrats on your first private request!
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Re: Multiple Articles in One Private Request

Post by Debbi »


Hooray for your first private request!

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Re: Multiple Articles in One Private Request

Post by GeorgeDickson »

Thanks to Ed and Celeste for the lightning-fast responses. I don't know how you two manage to keep up with helping all of us newbies all the time, but I surely appreciate it. And thanks for the congratulations Debbi :)

I suppose I should get back to writing said articles.

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Multiple Articles in One Private Request

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Yeah, I guess I contradicted what Ed just said. I didn't see his response when I was typing. Maybe once you're more established you can start bundling but for now, go with the one at a time thing. Night all! Signing off.
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Re: Multiple Articles in One Private Request

Post by Phil »

Way To Go George!!!