Keyword density calculation

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Keyword density calculation

Post by Sharion »

Not a question exactly as I now have the answer.

I had wondered how the keywords were chosen for the keyword density graph. Did it take keywords we provided with the article and rank the top ten? Or did it go through the article and compile keywords?

And the answer is: must be number two! Most of the keywords I provided were actually phrases, and the density graph used single words from those phrases as well as keywords I didn't consider when writing the article.

Learned something new!
Posts: 186
Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:42 pm

Re: Keyword density calculation

Post by jrichards »

Hey Sharion,

That's right the keyword density graph just shows single keywords as they occur in the long summary.

It's been said many times, but bares repeating that there isn't any right or wrong amount of keywords in an article and the graph is intended just to give customers an at-a-glance indication about what the keywords are. So please don't feel like an article needs tweaking if your desired keywords don't show up in the keyword density graph.
