Disappearing Public Requests?

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Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:31 pm

Disappearing Public Requests?

Post by jennifer »

On Friday there was a public request for website write up and descriptions about headstones, etc. It said 40 articles I think and the pay was decent. But today it's disappeared from the Requested Content page. I was wondering why that's happened? The description said you could contact them about more info on the articles. Do you think someone's contacted them and they're doing it off CC and the requester has cancelled the request and is dealing with the writer privately? I haven't seen any articles in the sold page yet.
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Location: California

Re: Disappearing Public Requests?

Post by nichewriter »

Buyers do have the option to take down or end their public requests whenever they want. As for the reason, it's anybody's guess. Can't really speculate on that.