Does the Purchase Rating update automatically?

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Does the Purchase Rating update automatically?

Post by rickstooker »

Hi, I was submitting articles for a client with a Purchase Rating of 0. It's now been well
over 3 days since the first of my articles was approved by CC, but no sales yet.

And the client's Purchase Rating is still 0. I'm wondering whether it's possible they're
buying other articles but just not mine. And the Purchase Rating is not up to date.

Or whether they have yet to buy anybody's articles (it's not an exotic subject, so I'm
assuming other writers are submitting articles to them). Maybe they've forgotten
about us already ( :

(Yes, I know there's a "Recently Sold" section but I can't check it
all the time and I don't see a way to see past entries.)

thanks, Rick
Posts: 1529
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:08 pm

Re: Does the Purchase Rating update automatically?

Post by Lysis »

The user probably hasn't purchased anything. It happens sometimes. Don't worry. Most of the time, the article sells to someone else. Frustrating and disappointing, I know, but don't let it bother you. Just keep writing.