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Post by VictoriaG »

The full rights of an article of mine appears to have been purchased, for there's money in the account status and I can no longer look at that particular article. However, instead of "sold" the status is "waiting" - what could be going on? Are you waiting for money to be transfered by the buyer or do they have the opportunity to turn down the purchase?
Posts: 71
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Re: Waiting?

Post by ecdoran »

They are either waiting for the money to clear, or I think it can also be sitting in someone's cart. I've had articles listed as "waiting" that never actually "sold," but I think I could still view them and I don't remember it ever showing as money paid to me. So that's a good sign, I think!
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Re: Waiting?

Post by CieleEdward »

I wondered that myself. I have one that has been in "waiting" status for about a month now. I'm not sure if I got paid for it or not since it was selected during a period of time when I got several sales.
Last edited by CieleEdward on Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Waiting?

Post by ecdoran »

CieleEdward wrote:I wondered that myself. I have one that has been in "waiting" status for about a month weeks now. I'm not sure if I got paid for it or not since it was selected during a period of time when I got several sales.
If it's still listed as "waiting" and never changed to say "sold," then you should probably contact support and have them look into it. It might still be sitting in someone's cart. I would think a month is way too long, but they'll be able to look and see if it's been paid for or not.
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Re: Waiting?

Post by PeggyTee »

I've had a few "Waiting" statuses - some never sell and go back to being available in the article pool.

Others do sell i.e. the money is credited into my CC account, and there is a "1" noted in the Sales column under "My Content" but the status still says "Waiting."

So if the money's in your account, and there's a number in your Sales column, your article has sold, it's just that the status hasn't been changed from Waiting to Sold on My Content.

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Re: Waiting?

Post by VictoriaG »

Thanks everyone! There's a "sold" in my profile and the money is my "account status" so I will assume that it has been sold.
Posts: 71
Joined: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:44 pm

Re: Waiting?

Post by ecdoran »

VictoriaG wrote:Thanks everyone! There's a "sold" in my profile and the money is my "account status" so I will assume that it has been sold.