Re: Question about selling poetry

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Posts: 48
Joined: Thu Feb 24, 2005 8:48 am

Re: Question about selling poetry

Post by susie »

Just wondered if anyone here has sold any of their poetry on this great website. Thanks much.

Susie :)
Posts: 4686
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Post by Ed »


I'm not sure what the writers will have to say about this, but from an editorial standpoint, I would say that Constant-Content is not the best place for poetry. Yes, there have been a few poetry sales, but for the most part those customers seeking poetry for their websites know that there is a LOT of poetry out their to be gotten for free.

My suggestion for submitting poetry and other creative works is to do what most people have to do to gain exposure for themselves in the "artistic" realm, and submit those works first to free publications. Once you have built up a resume of published works, it's time to move on to other paying outlets where the editors are more discerning but the notoriety gained also counts for more. If you are serious about getting creative works such as these recognized, Constant-Content is not the best outlet. As of yet, we do not have a customer base that is looking for works like these.

That said, if you wish to submit poetry, it's entirely up to you. I would suggest making sure that you also write informative non-fiction articles while keeping a web audience in mind if you want to increase your likelihood of making sales. Poetry sells only once in a blue moon, though a few authors have gotten a handful of sales from them.

Hope this helps, rather than confuses!

Posts: 48
Joined: Thu Feb 24, 2005 8:48 am

Much appreciation

Post by susie »

Ed. I thank you for such a nice reply and so thoughtful. Your reply helped quite a lot.

Thanks so much, Susie