Question about format

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Question about format

Post by AngiePapple »

Hi -

I just have a really quick question; I had an article kicked back for formatting and I can't seem to find the formatting guidelines other than the 12-pt TNR font.

Might that really be all that was wrong with it? If there's more than one reason it was kicked back, will they let you know? I've submitted and had several accepted, so I'm kind-of floundering on this one. I don't want to re-submit it and have it rejected again; I do want to resubmit it the right way.

I used a quote from a professional in a field I included in my article (she was properly cited), and left it in when I submitted because I didn't see anything about not using quotes. Is that, maybe, where I went wrong?

Any ideas will help. Thanks!

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Re: Question about format

Post by jadedragon »

Quotes should be fine. Was it all double spaced? all the right font? .doc or .txt file?

Edit: Sorry single spaced, empty line between paragraphs?
Last edited by jadedragon on Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Question about format

Post by 4rumid »

I think you mean single-spaced. Double-spaced between paragraphs.

By the way, font can also be 12-pt arial.
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Re: Question about format

Post by AngiePapple »

Hi Jadedragon and 4rumid -

Yes, I think it was. I'll have to re-check.

I didn't know about the Arial thing - mine puts it in Calibri automatically and I have to remember to change it every time.
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Re: Question about format

Post by jak »

If the email specified formatting, Ed probably hasn't looked for anything else. Sometimes the formatting is incorrect in the submission form rather than the document, but the email would probably specify this.
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Re: Question about format

Post by AngiePapple »

Ah, I see. Thanks, Jak!