Hey-Have a few questions about how things work here.

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Hey-Have a few questions about how things work here.

Post by RobScott »

So I joined this place a while back, wrote one article and put it up for sale and i've got only 1 view on it. So I thought it would be best to respond to public requests so I will be doing that I know has demand.

I had a few questions in mind:
1)Will 35% be taken off of the moeny I earn from public requests?
2)Are most offers which are submitted at the earliest accepted?
3)Do we reply with the full article or we reply and negotiate with the buyer?
4)What do we do if the article is not accepted by them?
5)Is there any protection for the article writers, that is, is there any way to control scammers who request for the article and don't pay?
6)Are the buyers obliged to pay how much they've mentioned in the request?
7)Is there any form of article writing on CC where the writer's article is accepted for sure. I mean there's always a possibility that someone else's article is taken over mine for a public request and my article that is put up for sale is never bought. So is it possible to just write for a particular buyer all the time so that you're assured of a certain amount of money?
8)After how long after the public request is out should I not bother submitting the article? I mean suppose I find out about the public request 2 hours after it is out should I even bother writing an article or do most people submit it before that?
9)Do the updates on public requests get mailed to us immediately or do we receive it after a delay?

These are some of the questions that I thought would help me in understanding the functioning of the site. What I've seen in this forum that you guys are really helpful and it's great to be a part of such an elite community. You guys are awesome! Cheers! :D
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Re: Hey-Have a few questions about how things work here.

Post by JD »

1)Will 35% be taken off of the moeny I earn from public requests?


2)Are most offers which are submitted at the earliest accepted?

Not too sure what you mean here. Offers of what? If you mean are the earliest articles submitted for a request accepted by the customer then not necessarily. Some customers wait until the request has expired and then take their pick.

3)Do we reply with the full article or we reply and negotiate with the buyer?

Submit the full article in exactly the same way you would any other article, selecting ‘public request’ from the relevant drop-down menu in the submission form.

4)What do we do if the article is not accepted by them?

If the article is not accepted (bought) by the customer, then it goes into your stock of articles and may very well get bought by someone else.

5)Is there any protection for the article writers, that is, is there any way to control scammers who request for the article and don't pay?

CC checks all requests from customers that come in before posting. However, there is the chance that the customer won’t buy any articles.

6)Are the buyers obliged to pay how much they've mentioned in the request?

Most buyers will say how much they’re prepared to pay and pay it. Ultimately it’s your call, though: If you write an article for a request and think it’s worth more than the max. of the price range the customer has stated, then you’re perfectly entitled to charge more for it. The buyer may contact you and ask if you are willing to sell for less.

7)Is there any form of article writing on CC where the writer's article is accepted for sure. I mean there's always a possibility that someone else's article is taken over mine for a public request and my article that is put up for sale is never bought. So is it possible to just write for a particular buyer all the time so that you're assured of a certain amount of money?

Private requests guarantee this type of work. If a customer sends you a private request then it’s a safe bet that he or she will buy the article. Price is negotiated and agreed beforehand.

After how long after the public request is out should I not bother submitting the article? I mean suppose I find out about the public request 2 hours after it is out should I even bother writing an article or do most people submit it before that?

Provided the request is still ‘active’ you can submit anytime after it’s been posted. However, you may want to check the ‘recently sold’ page to see whether any articles meeting the request details have been bought as that’s a good sign that the customer has got, or is getting, what he or she wants. However, don’t let the sight of articles being bought for a request put you off writing for it. If it’s a fairly generic topic then there’s a good chance that, if your article isn’t bought by the customer, it will be bought by another one at a later stage. And writing this way is a good way to increase your portfolio. Furthermore, writing for public requests is a great way to secure a private request and build up a relationship with a customer that guarantees work.

9)Do the updates on public requests get mailed to us immediately or do we receive it after a delay?

I think I’m getting the requests fairly soon after they’re being posted. However, if you’re concerned you might not be receiving them in a timely manner, then just check the ‘requested content’ page.

Good luck, Rob!

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Joined: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:26 pm

Re: Hey-Have a few questions about how things work here.

Post by RobScott »

Hey, thanks a lot for your reply. Have a couple of questions based on your answers.
1)The public requests are based on very specific topics so the chances of the article being bought by someone else after that are very minimal right?
2)How does one start getting private requests?
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Hey-Have a few questions about how things work here.

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Question #1 - It really depends on the request. If a public request is for something like "SEO tips," the article will have a wider potential market than a request for "Why Choose Bob's SEO Service."

Question #2 - Private requests are generally issued when a customer feels comfortable with a particular writer. The customer may have purchased articles from the writer in the past or may have browsed the writer's collection of articles available for sale. In order to get private requests, you've got to submit articles. That's the only way you'll get the customer's attention. Customers here aren't browsing our profiles; they're testing the waters by issuing public requests or buying existing articles.
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Re: Hey-Have a few questions about how things work here.

Post by RobScott »

Thanks so much Celeste! Nice to hear from a really well accomplished writer! :D I'll probably get in touch with you sometime, if that's ok with you.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Hey-Have a few questions about how things work here.

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Sure, send me a note whenever.