Question for 3 strikes rule

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Question for 3 strikes rule

Post by GameLinx »

I heard this 3 strikes and your out, rule applies for articles. Does this also apply for Photos or illustrations?

Also, why is there no reason given, when I submit a photo, and they give me a "We have reviewed your content, "Flower Bloom." Unfortunately, this article requires revision before we can accept it."? Was it not revised already?

This is just my first upload to the site, and I fear that if I continue, I am in for a frustrating rejection ride, and waisting my time...

I wan't to submit articles as well, but I am testing out the waters, so I don't get struck out permanently.
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Re: Question for 3 strikes rule

Post by jak »

I don't know the answer to this, so I'm just giving my take on it.

I would expect that the 3 strikes rule applies only to articles because it is a way to weed out those who are not able to offer the standard of writing needed here. I suspect it doesn't actually apply to photos because it could rule out potentially revenue generating authors.

Anyway, not many photos have actually sold here yet. If I were you, I would start working on some top quality articles to submit. If they are error free, they will be accepted, and you will start earning. Once you have a few articles accepted, you have proved yourself and will not be in danger of suspension unless you behave badly.

An occasional rejection shouldn't worry too much. It happens to all of us. We're only human and nobody's perfect.

Get some articles under your belt and turn your attention to photography later. Good luck.
Posts: 12
Joined: Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:35 pm

Re: Question for 3 strikes rule

Post by isande »

I've seen this question posted elsewhere on the forums, and the answer given was that photography and illustration rejections don't count towards the "three strikes".

It may have been an old post, though, so I have no idea if that's still the case.

Peggy D.