Question about type of articles that sell and others

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Question about type of articles that sell and others

Post by veg25 »

Hi, these forums have been very helpful so thanks to all who contributed. I have several questions and if you can help I greatly appreciate it.

1. It seems that many of these articles are more technical, tutorial, and how-to's, but do opinionated pieces sell that well here? Like an essay pertaining to issues, commentary on current events and today's culture,and opinions (not reviews) on products.

2. What's the hot topics that sell well here? I realize I can't just rely on the requests section so I'm not sure exactly what subjects are worth writing about.

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Re: Question about type of articles that sell and others

Post by Ed »

We do not accept opinion-based or editorial-style content.

Please check the "recently sold" list to see which topics are trending.

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Re: Question about type of articles that sell and others

Post by jadedragon »

Readers generally go to the web to get information. How to install a printer driver? What to see in New York? Is the latest Stephen King book worth buying?

Web content buyers what content that will attract eyeballs and good ads (or that they can put affiliate links into).
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Question about type of articles that sell and others

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Agreed. Just think about some of the latest search entries you've made lately. Those could provide you with inspiration. That's how I got started - whatever I was interested in and learning about at the time was potentially an article. That system worked well for me! Plus, since I was interested and already doing the research out of my own curiosity, the writing was even easier.