Finding sold titles

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Finding sold titles

Post by allpurposeguru »

I have been looking at various topics of interest and the authors who have written the articles I find there. I notice that if an author has written, say, four articles and sold two of them, only the unsold articles show up on their profile. The main reason I was looking at all was to get a sense of what has sold.

Is it a general policy that sold titles disappear from the site? Or have I just been looking in the wrong place. Basically, I have some strong interests, but not much sense of what the market is for them.
Amy W
Posts: 184
Joined: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:39 pm

Re: Finding sold titles

Post by Amy W »

Once an article sells for unique or full rights, it is removed from the system - no one else can buy the article, so CC removes it from public view. Articles that have sold for usage remain in the system, because buyers can purchase these articles again and again. So yeah, you can't see the sold titles or the sold articles.

If I were you, I would just write about whatever I was interested in. You already have the knowledge, so why not put it to good use? You'd be surprised by what sells on here - articles that I was certain would sell immediately have sat for months, while articles I wrote for the fun of it sold within days. The key is to keep writing, and to price your articles right. Buyers usually show up.