How do I know if I'm someone's affiliate?

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How do I know if I'm someone's affiliate?

Post by DeliaAnnKennedy »

I have just signed up for Constant Content (total newbie here) and I suspect that I clicked on an affiliate link to get here. I want to know if I am someone's affiliate. How do I find that out?
The reason I want to find that out is that I feel I was tricked into signing up through the link -- although Constant Contact looks like it is a wonderful site for authors. I don't want to start work with this bad feeling. Please let me know.
Since I posted the first part of this question, kind people have answered saying I shouldn't worry. Well, worry or not, how do I find out if I'm someone's affiliate?

Someone asked what I meant by being tricked. I bid on a project at Elance and received a message from the buyer saying I was being considered for an article-writing project and would I meanwhile go to this website where I could get writing work -- just in case I didn't land the Elance gig. I clicked and that was it.........I need hardly add that the "buyer" had dozens of bids because he made the project sound attractive, and then did not award the job.........
Last edited by DeliaAnnKennedy on Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: How do I know if I'm someone's affiliate?

Post by Sharion »

Don't judge CC by the link that brought you here. I'm not sure but I may have found it through a link as well. It doesn't matter.

Constant Content is * the best place * on the internet for writers. They have high quality standards, excellent pay, a great system to put your articles in front of buyers and even a system for buyers to ask you personally to write for them.

I did a lot of research before I came here and the other options just weren't options. The pay was awful. The fine print regarding your rights was either uncomfortable or unclear.

CC is a first rate company. They do everything in their power to work with both the writer and the buyer so that we're all happy. I give them five stars!

I expect this will be a long thread full of many stars :-)
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Re: How do I know if I'm someone's affiliate?

Post by jadedragon »

When you sign up through an affiliate link to CC the screen very clearly says you are signing up as an affiliate of NAME. If you signed up coming from a non-affiliate link you would not see that message. So you should know if you are someone's affiliate or not and there is no trickery involved. In fact I can't see how there would be any trickery if you clicked an affiliate link - the writer who placed the link did you a fantastic service bringing you here and you should send them much thanks.

You are (or aspire to be) a writer and you expect to be paid for your work just like the rest of us. If you happen to read an article I wrote about CC and came through the link I created you would become my affiliate. Yes, I would earn 5% of your earnings out of the CC side of the deal. You would earn exactly the same 65% either way. The little 5% affiliate commission is the site's way of paying me for my efforts to write about the true wonders of CC and than SEO the heck out of my blog. Frankly, I'd be better keeping CC a secret and writing more articles here myself (one article sale should earn me more than all 54 affiliates have to date) but I like to blog about great ways to make money online and CC is one of the best.

So why would you begrudge another writer a few bucks for bring you to the best site on the net for freelance writers? After all they only earn a little when you earn a whole lot. Worrying about some other poor writer earning a little cut from the site's side of the pie will distract you from writing and making money. Statistically about 90% of new "writers" here don't even submit the first article, so don't be in the sad majority who find excuses to not write. Get writing and don't worry how you got here.
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Re: How do I know if I'm someone's affiliate?

Post by LaLa »

I suppose you could ask the site's administrators by using the contact form.

In the meantime, could you expound on what you mean by being tricked into signing up?

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Re: How do I know if I'm someone's affiliate?

Post by Evelyn »
