Accepted Offer Does Not Show Under "Amount Due"

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Accepted Offer Does Not Show Under "Amount Due"

Post by dustinrasener »

Hello Everyone,

I'm new here, so I need some help understanding what's going on. I wrote an article, and it was accepted for the marketplace. I chose "or best offer" when submitting the article. I received an offer, and I marked it accepted, but I do not see any money in my account under, "Amount Due For This Month." It has been three days since I accepted the offer. Is there something that the purchaser still has to do in order for the transaction to go through?


Celeste Stewart
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Re: Accepted Offer Does Not Show Under "Amount Due"

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Yes, the purchaser needs to come back and buy the article now. So, you're at the mercy of the customer who may just be kicking the tires or who may be serious but just busy at the moment. Good luck and congrats!