Opinion-Based and Editorial-Style

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Opinion-Based and Editorial-Style

Post by BarryDavidson »

I recently got my first, "We do not accept opinion-based or editorial-style pieces." rejection. Since I haven't learned to keep my big mouth shut, I started researching that particular oxy-moron sentence. According to the various definitions I've found, most of the articles I see in print and on the internet fall under the category. If one were to be literal though, none of the writing on CC can be classified as 'editorial' as we authors are not publishers or editors of a publication.

1.An article in a publication expressing the opinion of its editors or publishers.
2.A commentary on television or radio expressing the opinion of the station or network.

1. Opinion piece: An article in a newspaper or magazine that expresses the opinion of its editor or publisher.

Now, I've been here for only a couple of years, but I've had several pieces which were 'editorial-style' (if you use it as a blanket term out of context) which were accepted and sold. That being said, I have to wonder if the politically correct views of the rest of the world are creeping into CC.

I've avoided any questions till this point - sorry to take so long to get to them. Basically, why the increase in the number of rejections, and why the seeming changes in policy? Also, if great material is being submitted and sold, why are some articles being rejected without even being read to see if they conform to the policy? Obviously there is a market for them, if somewhat smaller than the average top ten articles.