On submission and editing accepted articles

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On submission and editing accepted articles

Post by ukridgethoughts »

When submitting my first article, I checked the boxes beside 'unique price' and 'full rights price'. After they were accepted, I checked my article on CC database, but found only the unique price quoted, the others were N/A. Why is that? Should I not have ticked the boxes? Or is it that only customers can see those prices. (This doesn't make any sense to me).
So, the other question. If, say, I want to change the prices or uncheck the 'offer' box, will my editing these send the article again to the CC editors for approval? Will it take 4 to 5 days again?

Thank you :)
Celeste Stewart
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Re: On submission and editing accepted articles

Post by Celeste Stewart »

You can edit the prices without going through the whole resubmission process :)
Celeste Stewart
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Re: On submission and editing accepted articles

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Also, did you place an actual price in those fields? If you leave the price field blank, then nothing will happen. I actually didn't realize those checkboxes were clickable until I went to see what you meant by checking them.
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Re: On submission and editing accepted articles

Post by ukridgethoughts »

Yeah, I entered prices in the blank fields beside them. I think I'll try unchecking them to see what happens.
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Re: On submission and editing accepted articles

Post by ukridgethoughts »

Ok, I un-checked those little boxes and this is what I got:

Unique Price [ ] No Unique License Offered
Full Rights Price [ ] No Full Rights License Offered

Is this a new feature, then? Malfunctioning, perhaps? What am I doing wrong? The CC support guys haven't answered yet, but I'm hopeful.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: On submission and editing accepted articles

Post by Celeste Stewart »

I think you need to have the checks in place and then enter prices. Putting the checks in should give you a blank field where you'll then add the prices you want for unique and full rights.
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Re: On submission and editing accepted articles

Post by ukridgethoughts »

I did that the first time. Checked both boxes and entered the price. That's why I am so confused. Maybe it was a fluke, I'll try resubmitting it.
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Re: On submission and editing accepted articles

Post by ukridgethoughts »


As a round up of this thread, I wanted to tell you guys what I was doing wrong. I had entered all three types of prices when I first submitted my article. Then it got sold thrice for the usage price, so of course (I can bang my head against a wall, here!) :oops:, they disabled the unique and full rights prices- nothing unique left to sell, see?

Alright, then. Thanks everyone.