CC, Helium and other sites

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CC, Helium and other sites

Post by GaryBourque »

I'm not new to writing, but I am new to these online writing broker websites. They each seem to have their particular angle and benefit, and I'm wondering how those with experience use them. It seems that CC is the place to come to sell hard articles outright, while Helium is the place to go to get creative and op-ed articles in circulation, get some feedback and recognition, and maybe even gather some of the crumbs falling from the advertising table.

However, since selling exclusive rights to an article is a desirable option on CC, it seems one would not want to cross post the same article on Helium (or some Helium-like site). Then again, maybe it isn't such a bad idea.

I'm really just trying to get an idea of how some of you leverage and juggle the different writing opportunities on the web.

There is a writer on Helium who has written over 2400 articles there and has sold only 12. Now I'm sure she makes some advertising income, but I'm wondering what motivates her to write so many articles and post them there, aside from her CW creations. I guess I could ask her, but she's probably so busy writing that she doesn't need to be bothered. :oops:


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Re: CC, Helium and other sites

Post by Lysis »

Well, Helium used to be non-exclusive. I used to post to AC, then Helium, then sell usage here. It's actually pretty good money. Helium now requires exclusive rights. I have 40 articles there, and I write them when they offer higher upfronts or when it's an article I can throw together really quickly.

People do rev share for the trickling income. The money starts to add up when you have 2400 articles.

CC is good for straight up cash, but most people (just like rev share for that matter) can't make a living off of just one site, so they diversify. It took me a while to get used to all the places, but I have an account practically everywhere. I wish I had known about all these places when I had a real job!
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Re: CC, Helium and other sites

Post by jak »

You can still post non-exclusive articles at Helium to get the revenue share. You just won't get up-front payments for anything non-exclusive. I haven't changed my practice of posting here for all rights first, then submitting anything that goes for usage to Helium. I will get around to looking at other revenue sharing sites as well though. It will be quite a while before I get to pay-out at Helium again. Don't suppose it would take long if you had 2400 articles there though, probably every month, or maybe twice.
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Re: CC, Helium and other sites

Post by Lysis »

Thanks for the info on Helium. I thought all articles submitted were exclusive, but I just use the Market Place. That's good to know though. I'll have to post some non-exclusives from AC there.

For straight up rev share, I haven't seen anything beat Suite101, but Suite101 is very volatile. You might make $1000 one month and then $500 the next month (I don't make anywhere near that, but the site posts the top 10 earners, and we've seen income be halved in following months). My old eHow articles do $2/article/month. I wish to god I had gotten on that gravy train. I unfortunately only have 30 articles up.
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Re: CC, Helium and other sites

Post by GaryBourque »

If you post something on CC and it sells for usage and then you post it on Helium, does that mean you cannot thereafter sell it here for unique or full rights, and so have to pull those options from the article?

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Re: CC, Helium and other sites

Post by karrie1908 »

GaryBourque wrote:If you post something on CC and it sells for usage and then you post it on Helium, does that mean you cannot thereafter sell it here for unique or full rights, and so have to pull those options from the article?

Once it sells here for usage rights you cannot sell it for unique or full rights anyways. The only way it can be sold once this happens is for usage, so you can always post it and maximize your income.
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Re: CC, Helium and other sites

Post by GaryBourque »

karrie1908 wrote: Once it sells here for usage rights you cannot sell it for unique or full rights anyways. The only way it can be sold once this happens is for usage, so you can always post it and maximize your income.
I guess it shows I'm new at this, huh? :idea:

Then again, I suppose the one that bought for usage could come back and buy the same for unique or full, but that's probably highly unlikely.
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Re: CC, Helium and other sites

Post by jak »

If your article has sold for usage, it automatically reverts to a usage only offer. I don't think the customer can change the rights already purchased.
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Re: CC, Helium and other sites

Post by nichewriter »

jak wrote:If your article has sold for usage, it automatically reverts to a usage only offer. I don't think the customer can change the rights already purchased.
Actually, it can happen -- if the same customer who originally purchased usage rights decides to upgrade to unique or full rights. I've had this happen to a few of my articles. However, I think this is possible if there's only been one buyer so far for an article that's sold for usage.
